Videos of the congress

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Welcome reception By the congress sponsor : Mr. Jean Marie Schléret

Opening of the congress by the Meurthe & Moselle Departmental Council president: Ms Chaynesse Khirouni

Speech by Dr Arielle Brunner - ARS-GE

Speech by Robert Cordier - Polio-France president

Opening of the first session: Scientific aspects and technological innovations

Networking Changes in Polio Survivors: A Corticomuscular Coherence Study

Epidemiological Update and Vaccine Innovations

Brief address by Past-Governor Rotary District 1790

News and novelties in equipment for polio patients

Update on the IDF polio network

The 1st Regional Center of Expertise, Resources and Support – Poliomyelitis sequelae

Organization of care in the Netherlands

Presentation of the PNDS – Poliomyelitis

Preparation of the polio patient for surgery: incl. the polio patient confronted with anesthesia

Total knee and hip arthroplasty in patient with poliomyelitis sequelae : a long-term functional follow-up in a French reference center

Hip prostheses for patients with post-polio syndrome, an often misunderstood problem

Weight, polio patient’s public enemy number 1

Adapted physical activity : from care project to life project

Thermalism : The specific polio cure

Global discussion

Conclusion by Robert Cordier, Polio-France president